MIL already be controlling about my baby and I’m still pregnant
From my due date group on Facebook
Today’s stack from Kuololit 😊
A fun Kuololit rose gold ring stack for a Friday
What’s harder? Pregnancy with a toddler, or toddler and a newborn?
Kuololit haul I ordered mid January for the AE winter sale is finally here ❄️
I feel like a horrible person
Grandma kissing newborn with cold sores
Most of effective way to tell MIL no to kiss my toddler
I’m think after I receive my next paycheck, I’m going to leave varo. It’s been a whole week & still can’t login on the app. It keeps telling me something went wrong.
Should my mom visit me before, after or long after my first baby arrives?
Late Due date :(
Parents want me to give birth in their state
12 days postpartum with baby #2 and a toddler and my biggest advice to soon to be STM’s is…
My husband has 3 older sisters - none have had any part in my pregnancy, or really checked up in any way and it bothers my husband.
Best part of weight loss so far…
Shoutout to the parents doing all the MOTN feedings and YOU ARE WELCOME to the ones who get 8 hrs uninterrupted every night!
Is everyone drained from breastfeeding?
Whats your zodiac sign and what zodiac sign are you giving birth to?
How long did you push?
Out of town wedding 10 days after birth
How long is your maternity leave for those living in the US?
Do you care if your child looks nothing like you?
Show me your D head