Calling everyone in this sub:
provider cheated on me :/
Omfg 😭🤮(last ones a pic of him)
Getting into radiohead
Lied about my age to a guy
What song does this feel like??
Tell me your favorite album here and your favorite song from it
Lana collab you’d wanna see 💞
Rant about your huzzes (people you want)
How come I attract less guys (almost zero) after a big glow up???
Nose Job or jaw
Why do i look so different ?
Coming back to the club
We’re just getting into looksmaxing. It’s our dream to look like dreamybull and Lebron. Give us tips.
X/10? And what can I do to improve.
Stop telling people they are not ugly when they asked for advice.
You can only add 1 Radiohead album as a vinyl here, which one is it gonna be?
what are your tips on being more confident and sociable, so people approach you?
How can I make my nails more feminine & better looking?
Bored so AMA
Could I know my current rating and how to improve it?
22 f how can I enhance my features / look better!
What is some advice you always ignore?
is this rizz
Forward growth progress, what else can I do