You guys actually do that? Just go on the internet and get angry? 😟
Can Samus Aran defeat a Predator, and how many at once if she could?
The top 10 longest episodes of Death Battle
Do you think DB's research is bad ?
My face when a character I like dodged something that vaguely act like light (they are now light speed)
Shigaraki's backstory is MESSED UP! | My Hero Academia in DEATH BATTLE!
I REALLY hope this isn't how Mario vs Sonic ends.
Mario and Sonic Analysis: Sonic
Can we all agree that this is the worst "debunk" video of all time?
It's his daily reminder that just because Genshin Impact has a horrible community doesn't mean it shouldn't be on DB.
I sure love Galaxy level Daredevil's shield and Universe level Captain America's shield
So with GR's Omniversal power + Infinite speed upgrade with Zarathos from the Spawn episode, is this now the biggest stomp?
Death Battle Oddities
What femaleVfemale matchup do you think has the potential for a true 10/10 matchup, if done right by the animators/analysis? (Pic not entirely unrelated)
My personal ranking of the Sonic episodes
Giving comparisons to episodes that didn't get them
Thoughts on all the sonic death battles?
How is Mahito vs Shigaraki going to begin fightwise?
The Holy Trinity of "where the hell is my runback episode Death Battle?"
Another match ups swap post: Sauron Vs Dragonborn and Chosen Undead Vs Lich King. Who should win each of these?
What are some feats that feel like they should be a bigger deal than how death battle presented them
What’s a good fight setup for Hero vs Hero episode?
Does anyone know why Deku vs Tanjiro was considered atp be an episode and what even are the connections between the two other than "New Gen Shoeon protagonists."