Give me an album and I’ll tell you my top 3 songs
(16M) My top 100, guess my age and gender
How do you make jacket potato/spud like the spud brothers from youtube?
Guess my age based on my top songs
Albums I dislike for no real reason in particular
My top artists if anyone cares.(Im here to make friends)
What travis opinion got you like
If you were given a chance to date a Bollywood/Hollywood celeb, who would you date and why? I would date Sydney Sweeney
I STILL have never found an album that emulates Winter more than this one
Which anime left such a void in you that you haven't been able to stop thinking about it for days?
So this happened yesterday....
what is asap rockys favourite word
This album has forgettable tracks after "take me back to LA". which don't hold much replay value as other tracks even though they would have lyrical value whatsoever. it is still a really good album if you count it as a whole.
In all of rap, which song has the besț flow?
I hate this one thing men say all the time
Give me recommendations based off my top 42!
Rate these pics. [90F]
rate my click
Name a better kendrick 3 song run than
The struggle is real
What A$AP Rocky song is this?
Old shirt, new purpose! ✨🧳 What a genius hack that I saw online recently!