Scared of losing embryo / sex selection
Progesterone shots - silicone piece in my injection
I had a huge angry meltdown at my family(which I immediately regretted) today and I'm worried it can negatively affect my chances
I’m 5dp5dt, testing negative so far. Does anyone have positive stories . Feeling so hopeless today
PIO Injection- Don't Let It Scare You!
PIO Thigh Shots??
FET protocol 40 days plus
8 DPO line eyes
13 dpo, not FMU
How many dp5dt is your beta scheduled?
21F cd 51
Update 13 or 14 DPO Can you see a line?
DPO 9 - mixed results!
6dp5dt - No symptoms
FET Transfer
Baby socks
These tests corresponded to a 257 beta at 10 dpt 5dt/15 dpo. 13-15 dpo progression.
9 DPO vvvfl?
11 DPO…..
Crossing my fingers and toes for this cycle. 🤞🙏
8 dpo
Are David's tests reliable? 5dp5dt (10 dpo)
12 DPO Line Progrssion
11 DPO CD 27