I've think I've gotten to many orks
Almost got my first squad of boyz finished
Printable Leviathan Mission Deck PDFs (including latest patch). For GW - these are not original scans, but cards taken from TTS
Need help list building
One more to add to my painted pile
The days progress
My very first painted miniature
Making my first army
Ideas on when this shirt is from?
Bought a peavy mark vi and a 410 tx for $200. Sounds really good. Way better than the rumble 40 i use now. Did I make a a good purchase?
New boots so dang comfortable
versum hill graffiti rep bugged on versum hill?
Amp info? (Help)
Ko Olau Edge or Shutter?
Mail day
Need direction hit a rut
Collection update
Beginner thrower
[3.5] [Online R20] Forgotten Realms CST
What tricks should I learn after I learn how to bind with an unresponsive yoyo
Started working on some more string tricks also mail day
What’s your most satisfying trick to land right now?
My throws after 3 months of yo-yoing
What do you think is the coolest looking yoyo?