Found the F2P paywall. sky tower 400-450
I’m confused between Legendary gear and S Epics
Blessing Rune vs Keys in Arena Shop?
Make events more f2p friendly
What is the best chapter for farming xp/loot?
At long last.. it has been finally acquired
Just ranting about odds: How is your S gear distributed?
450 Mythstone Chests and not a single "non-guaranteed" S-Epic...
Help me improve my build, please.
Legenday Flamenox Rune or 30 Chromatic keys?
What are the chances
How do you kill the purple dude?
Using S gear as upgrade material
Bow VS Staff
Best thing to buy from world tree’s pulse event
What should I get?
Advice needed about event rewards.
Is helix worth spending gems on?
First Mythic Gear!
Am i just unlucky?
What would you use
Oracle Mythestone Chests
20 Keys and 16k gems saved(Newbie)
Maybe I’m wrong.. but as F2P I’m going for all currency in the World Tree Event.
Skytower needs rework