Is it worth getting an iPhone for Suica Card?
The Adelson Family and Nico Harrison are the embodiment of EVIL
Irving officials recommend rezoning land for proposed resort and casino after hours of heated debate with residents
“Nobody is a Prisoner of their IQ”: The Other Factors that Shape Success
Quantum mechanics suggests reality isn’t made of standalone objects but exists only in relations, transforming our understanding of the universe. | An interview with Carlo Rovelli on quantum mechanics, white holes and the relational universe.
Nico Harrison: "Davis is a better cultural fit for what the Mavericks want to build.”
Support for why IQ tests are among the most reliable, predictive measures in psychology – undoubtedly one of the field’s crowning achievements...
Exclusive: Hamas has added up to 15,000 fighters since start of war, US figures show
I’m seeing imprints of snowflakes on every surface since taking MDMA pls tell me why
What's your favorite bit of wacky Denton lore?
Gun to your head, if you had to choose between child and geri, which would you choose and why?
New law eliminates most vehicle safety inspection. What about motorcycles?
Modern Psychology and Its Colonial Legacy
Local Developer Predicts North Texas May Become Too Big for the Border -
Hey y'all, a professor of physics at a college in Dublin is saying Israel used a nuke in Syria based in data.
they're gonna lock him away like the joker in an underground dungeon
Palestinian Arab Nationalist leader Amin al-Husseinim giving the Hitler salute to a group of SS soldiers
Is it unheard of for someone to go to therapy/analysis 4-5 times a week for decades?
Mood disorder stack with lamotrigine
Use of the term "psychopharmacologist" in the show
Day 2: The Overload's Top 50 Albums
Logic stock plugins you don’t use enough
why is it hard for me to tell people I have a boyfriend?
4-HO-DMT (Psilocin) vs 4-HO-MET vs 4-HO-MiPT. What changes?