Jack Or Jive - After the Pain [Japan, 1994]
Zoar - A Handful of Poison [USA, 1997]
Rosewater Elizabeth - The Tiger Inside Her Is Hungry [USA, 1995]
Japanese goth bands recomendations?
Eltan Renaxy - A Ballad [China, 2007]
Violet Tears - Weep of Sadness [Italy, 2001]
Caccinica - 暁 [Japan, 2004]
Amygdala - Datme La Muerte, Que Me Falta [Practising Diving Before Death - Part 1] [Germany, 1997]
Does it get any more disturbing than In Slaughter Natives? (Jouni Havukainen.) Is...[?]
Any interesting subgenres?
Angels Of Venice - A Chantar Mer [USA, 1996]
Deutsch Nepal / TMLHBC ?
Corde Oblique - Waves (feat. Dwelling) [Italy, 2005]
Hugo Largo - Never Mind [USA, 1989]
goth songs that sound like this?
The Changelings - Veils of Gold (USA, 2002)
Impressions Of Winter - Shadowed Grove [Germany, 1998]
Pinknruby - Morje [UK, 2003]
Goths, who's your favorite guilty pleasure artist?
Les Jumeaux Discordants - Myrtho [Italy, 2015]
Chandeen - The Loss of Summer [Germany, 1994]
Goth and Alternative Fashion used to occasionally include fetishwear, but now looks overwhelmed by it
Qntal - Dulcis Amor [Germany, 2005]
Lisa Gerrard - Swans [1995]
/r/Goth's Soothing Sundays!