Overstaying ESTA while waiting for marriage certificate to file for adjustment of status?
is it too late to experience romantic puppy love in your mid 20s?
More photos
More like 'Dysphoria' star :'(
I love airports. I wish we could just hang out in them post-security
You all need to chill out about true crime
How to get over fear/dislike of eating pusy?
My maga boomer mom is dating a Canadian liberal she met on Reddit
Any European who want to fess up to this?
Please tell me a joke you’ve made yourself.
Is it laziness or depression?
Cleverness as Cope
The hockey sub is absolutely insufferable
Is this body type *actually* a turn off to a lot of women?
I need help finding non-toxic moderate YouTubers that can prevent / reverse someone from going down the alt-right pipeline
is it possible to smoke in moderation forever?
how did dasha and adam meet? 🤔
Every time I hear someone refer to dessert as a 'sweet treat' I lose a year off my life
CT BF RS GF (Happy Valentines day guys!)
Sourdough people?
Happy Valentine's Day to all the straight couples on double dates