How do High Income Japanese afford nice things when taxes are so high?
Gyu Katsu - Asakusa…
worst line to live on, in your opinion
What profession would you never date?
Tokyo Marathon adds nonbinary category to reflect runners' diversity
Upcoming Pro-Palestine demo in front of Shibuya station on 3/30
Factory reset for update?
Colossal facelift in Shinjuku to replace Showa Era landmarks
Most interesting stations to just hop off and walk around at?
Which Tokyo airport do you like more: Narita or Haneda?
Moving to Tokyo soon, but never been there (only Kobe) some insights when looking for apartments?
Tokyo Furnished Apartment Lease Transfer May 9 (reposted with pictures)
For women, what do pierced nipples do for you?
Okay, so where is the good good Pho in Tokyo?
Embarrassing situation in Nagoya: did I do anything wrong?
Why do Japanese convenience stores have so many foreign part-time workers?
has anyone fostered cats?
Horrid experience with Mercari
What are the main differences between sociology and anthropology?
Moving to Japan - Software Engineer
Is it worth it to leave TUJ?
Came back from my 10-day solo trip to Tokyo, and I’m just at a loss for words.
battery not even lasting a day?
How much importance do Japanese schools give to the Holocaust? Is it a meaningful theme in history classes?
better way to format these sheets?