Lexi is being pushed this, Lexi is being saved that… We’re being ROBBED!
Yvie’s thoughts on Ru’s annual “Who deserves to go home tonight and why?” question 👀
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Plane Jane singing ‘No One Mourns The Wicked’
Plane Jane & Kandy Muse reading Naysha Lopez during RVP
Can anybody else see The Tuck Dynasty taking the crown this season?
A Love Letter to Lexi Love
Can we talk about Kandy in the Roast...
Lexi Lurrrrrv
This episode made me like Arrietty
kind of sad I didn't start playing this game sooner
Let's Make a Butterfree Deck
Why was her set SO short??
Arrietty has zero self awareness
Bob TDQ @ The Reunion
Just want to leave this here for ya’ll
What's a controversial Traitors opinion that you'll defend with your life?
Since it’s been a few years…Have your opinions of Symone’s step-down look changed?
Lucky Starzzz main challenge looks
does anyone actually want the traitors to win?
Danielle Responding To The Haters
Britney's comment about Dolores counting?
Her messiness might snatch her the win
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