She heard the boys were all about that bass and took it too seriously
I found my mom dead when I was a teenager.
'Deadpool killer' languishing on Death Row unrecognisable in brand new prison pics
Kids be like….
Indiana Teacher Made Teen Boys Wear Scream Masks During Group Sex, Offered $800 for Explicit Photos, and Her Husband's Threat Was Even Worse"
My elderly father was wrongfully charged with a felony after a field drug test conducted on Wintergreen Altoids came up false-positive for Oxycodone. We finally received the lab results today, almost 7 months later, proving his innocence.
Any tips for peeing on H and sleeping on H?
What can I do with this small space besides my bed? Beer for scale
Found a weird plastic baggie with white powder inside of a new jacket ordered off Amazon
Luce Cannon alleges that Big U setup Nipsey Hussle. He also says that Shitty Cuz (Eric Holder) & Nipsey had a fight the week before he killed Nipsey.
I don't even know where to start
Kori Feldming
LA Niccas was finna wack meek over 50k? 🤔
I'm so sick of this bum.
More Bootsy and Bunny as babies, as requested!
i don’t remember shitting being this fucking demonic
The President of the United States of America crashing out on social media because he can't break the law
Can I brew a tea with home grown poppy seeds that will have any effect?
Just spilled tears on my butters because of this
Trump plans to label fentanyl a 'weapon of mass destruction' in new executive order
I feared for my life!
It’s finally getting better out here 🙌🏻🫨
Just been grinding, Male kinda gay
Failing as a travel content creator because I keep getting distracted by cats
Cop refuses to let man stop his car while daughter is inside
is it just me or is it much harder to catch pokemon in platinum?