2 year old sleeve, bunch of moles starting to form on this area of my arm, itchy and bleeds when scratched
Bought a 5000 dollar dog with a friend
How to set a boundary without coming across as an AH
Screaming Phase?
Dog throwing up multiple times a week
Masterpiece for Accomplished
Swallowing anxiety is getting me down.
21 yo NAFLD - very nervous
When do you transfer your baby?
Just a small rant
My dog peed my bed and bit me; what to do?
Is he going to be a big boy or are cockers just heavy sometimes?
Using a play pen so bad?
Pain in the groin
Got diagnosed with a fatty liver today
Only children
Will someone be able to tell me if my boy, Kirk, is orange roan or yellow roan please?
Wintry Nest for Julebord?
I hate my husband more after giving birth
Baby got too many presents
Are my 7 m/o twins developing too slow?
What was your first Achievement Hunter/Let's Play video?
how long did it take your helix to heal?
What was something you were told “just wait until…” about, but it turned out to not be a big deal at all?
Feeling frustrated with newborn’s sleep after having easier first child.