Guys it finally happened!!
And just like that Gogeta has top tier team
figura di merda con il padre della mia ragazza
Warframe 800k Milestone Giveaway!
Imagine if JP got this while we still had the namek celebrations or slug...
PLEASE DOKKAN MAKE THIS TEAM POSSIBLE (and all of them under 250/220%)
After the Second Dream, Ordis gives us the Broken War, only half of War; I wanna think he threw out the good half which could've been a 2h nikana or something
He’s just happy to be there
doing public keys when a new prime releases is a nightmare.
Rivens no longer serve their intended purpose
I napoletani sono i più grandi razzisti gastronomici d'Italia (rant semiserio, pieno di pregiudizi e generalizzazioni).
4 codes 4 you
Acquisto olio Evo online
Gruppo Whatsapp sospetto
At what stage did you stop doing daily sorties?
Invalsi, il Sud arranca: il 50% è “insufficiente” in italiano e matematica
Finally it happened, now the lato...
Do people not revive in Archon Hunts?
Said investito a morte a Viareggio, le sorelle chiedono giustizia alla tv marocchina: "Nemmeno un cane si uccide così"
The devil aweken stage 1 planetary destruction mission NO FREEZER AGL - NO BROLY TEQ - NO TURLES STR LR - NO TURLES PHY
This is so painful. My fellow Vectis enthusiasts might understand
We get 3 red stones this time!
Behold, the perfect Sigil placement!
My prediction for WWC