What could they have done to make rangers better?
Does anyone know a video to get to places in blackrockprison?
How was hades supposed to kill everyone…
I’m looking for a good Dnd mat…
Why didn’t people remember being in the eleuthia…
Looking for good ps5 game…
Can you use bowstring wax as a chapstick…
A elvish “activity’s”…
New DM got stuck with a crappy player
When you know one of your players is evil…
When you see a reaper…
Help cuddle fish problem
So uh,is the "biological dead zone" behind the aurora safe?
Why does the cuddlefish say say farewell even though I don’t even have the blueprint for Neptune this is my second game though
I need help understanding Drakewarden rule.
wtf is this
Every subnauts wet dream
Any one who doesn’t think Arya and Eragon had feelings for each other then you should go back and reread the books.
Tweaking the Romance between Eragon and Arya
Did Saphira go for F'irnen because of Eragons feelings for Arya
Did Arya truly love Eragon or Fäolin
About Saphira and Firnen
Saphira and Firnen
What's your favorite quote or line from the Inheritance Cycle?