If I didn’t know I was pregnant already…
Not pregnant, but confused, please help!
It wasn’t a troll chart 🥹🥹
What’s your lowest readiness score?
First time tracking. Can someone help me understand?
First time charting
Crossing my fingers
Could this mean I might be pregnant?
First ever BFP chart!! When did you stop temping?
Who is this even made for
Let’s play “Guess my ovulation date” 🙃
BFP chat 12 DPO
Troooooooooooooll in my dungeon
Is this normal?
Thoughts on Ovulation Date?
For those wondering about Karla’s relationship with our plant allies…
My finger suddenly looked like this after taking the ring off
New to temping - help please!
If this ends up being a troll chart
Tigerlily looks pregnant! Her face is also very swollen. Not sure what look she was going for on this zoo trip. Whatever it was, she missed it!
Did the flu get anybody else?😭 this is terrible
Help! what’s happening here?
When did I Ovulate? FF says CD16 but PreMom says CD18
Crazy chart. What the heck.