Basically everyone in my school cutting themselves
Why didn't Eren use his titan form to save his mom? Is he stupid?
how many times a week? do you shower
This is an actual image by Edd, from around 2009 or 2010.
What order should I start reading the Bible in
I found this Jesus thing at my church! ❤❤❤
Do any of yall fear death? Like fear you might just suddenly drop one day?
God fucking damn it
Tiktok porn
What Jesus went through is not enough to pay for every single persons’ sins.
Not opening reddit for 3 days was the best decision I could make.
The word bruh is such a good word
I just found out my crush is a lesbian 😭
Trump and Blasphemy...
Day 20. Saw a girl naked outside. How is it even legal.
Relapsed after 20 days
What makes you know God is real?
Is it bad I only stopped because I had no energy to?
Cold turkey isn’t working for me, What route can I go to overcome my porn addiction?
Tomska mentions that his biggest regret is eddsworld legacy
0 days without porn
Help my hormones
What should i think about dinosaurs
Roblox be like: (yes i made 2 posts making fun of the hunt)