What's the Longest You've Stuck with a Rapper until you Decided they Fell Off?
This 100% my favourite verse on the album and I was wondering if there was any other future songs where he flows like this
What's your favorite outfit
What are y'all thoughts on wonderful? Top 10 in his discog and his best outro imo
One of a kind
I like Rodeo, but I don't LOVE it.
whats the first travis song you played today?
whats travis' best produced song?
Name one future song that has no skips in it
Got me chill
Does the beta allow to re open projects without having a licence?
Let's drop our @ so we can follow each other's music tastes
What’s the name of this shortcut?
Artists unter 20k Hörer
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What type of beat is this? Trap?
How do my chops sound?
Let’s be real
In your opinion, what's the best Travis Scott song? (repost)
whenever I use FL with airpods in it makes all sound have a really distorted ringmod esq sound. can someone help me?
Unreleased Travis Scott songs go harder than his released songs imo. Black mass, too many chances, serenade, yeah, the curse, etc