Zoomers born in '97 (ONLY). Do you remember 9/11? If so, what do you remember?
What do you think of the "billionaires should not exist" (meaning that no single individual should exclusively own that much money) argument?
Fits I've been rockin'
What opinion has you like this?
“Damn, coach paired us up again? Bet, now let’s practice that post-up.”
I can only have fun if she's hot, period.
🔥Bats come in different sizes and shapes 🔥
Another day, another photo of Trump’s hands
Seven men arrested in Japan for raping daughters, sharing footage in chat group.
What’s a modern trend you hope disappears in the next 5 years?
The Witcher media literacy challenge: impossible
Idk why people are getting business advice from someone who declared bankruptcy 4 times
McMessmer the Inhaler
Ang Lee’s Hulk, to date, is the only time I felt like the Hulk was a character with depth on the big screen, and I genuinely hope that his next movie captures some of that.
A kitten I got to hold in pet therapy with the group Barn Babies
Just before before our time
Instead of democrat vs republican shouldn't it be rich vs poor and why?
Liquor store in Ontario, Canada today
Dug this up in a church graveyard during renovation...
Bg3 can't be woke
Realistically, what happens to the US if we withdraw from NATO?
Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?
Be honest… When was the last time you fed Torrent his berries?
Do y’all ever just walk up to a woman and ask for her number?