Microsoft Stole My $40,000 Xbox Library —This Could Happen to You Too
Do you buy games on Disc or Digitally?
What is the first video game that comes to mind when you see this?
I want to watch an extremely disturbing movie
Academic arguments against Christianity , y'all have any?
Why can some people in this sub be so antagonistic towards people who can't afford to game like them.
Favorite strains that have a good smell to taste translation
Upcoming election candidates
It was a good breeding year!
What’s ur Juggalo Name?
Only 100 copies exist; get them at the Mono smoker’s only show tomorrow in Denver
Almost $600 thousand for a Duplex on Moffat?!
Trump says he will label violence on Tesla dealerships as domestic terrorism
Fuck you Dante!!!
Why was uncharted 2 so ambitious?
I don't expect..
New to lever world
Noob questions: what the hell is this button? (PS5 Portal)
Wyd after smoking this beast?
What was your first platinum trophy?
What Are Some Of I.C.P.’s Songs That Are Motivational To You??
[Discussion] What is your first platinum?
What is the story behind your username
Another cheat arhonoffikialios he runs with a guy named akuliteee both cheat together