Stephan’s take on death
Are my budgies gay?
Dirty feet
Dana flashes all of TikTok
Hmmm it’s uncanny 🤔
Dana tries so hard to be sexy that it just loops around to being totally sexless
Based on personal experience
Theyna, DO YOU know what consent is? A CHILD CAN NOT CONSENT YOU DUMB FUCK
Platonic life partner
This should be on Dana’s FYP
Are there any notable Creepy local urban legends?
Party page
So I listened to the entirety of Dana’s “addressing the hatURz” posts on their story
Poll - How did you find this sub?
Signs you were bipolar as a kid
Lost Lands Warning - Crusty Sex Offender
“How can I cover up the fact that I used gofundme money to buy more concert tickets?”
i made a mistake
Dana claps back in record time!
Dana "gets permission" from her daughter to respond to the haters
Do any of you laugh about the absurd things you’ve done during episodes
Test your KNIFE on me? What the FUCK is wrong with her
ICE sightings in Santa Barbara and Goleta(CA)