Bhide dead?
How I feel when is am watching a nice episode of TMKOC and a "Veer hanumaaaaaaan" AD starts playing :
Why doesn't up have a representation?
Anna ko ek flat milna chaiye gokuldham me aur pehli fight direct champaklal ke saath
I hate this character
Is this shit even real
New secretary of gokuldham society
Somebody said best villain
पुष्टि हो गई
I need to rant.
Which class does the Chief Minister of every Indian state belong to (March 2025)
Suggest a good arc to watch
jethalal as buisinessman ??
Tuesday upcoming episode
Ashi t modi ?
Religion in Uttar Pradesh (2011 census)
Countries of Asia in native languages
If these two characters existed in the Tmkoc world, they would have been considered to be the most asanskari kids according to Tmkoc logic!!!
Agar TMKOC aur Wagle ki duniya ka Crossover ho?
So apparently POPU is 52 now and single 💀
Ab yeh nai seh payenge
Why do people hate this arc?
Least hated characters?
the only person who can save indian stock market now.