this thing wont stop knocking on my door
Unable to post part of my collection
Is it ok that my cat graze feeds?
What was your first lps? Mine was these 3 hamsters
Got Nintendo Collie 1262!! Kind of..
tiger spotted you ur 3rd emoji is ur reaction! >:D
Did my Walmart get a shipment of fake pets?
is there any way u think i could fix her? or is she toast
Art assignment featuring #1628!
I'm deaf furry. I got button pins! :3
Please tell me I’m not the only one who brings emotional support LPS to my appointments lol
stickers from the new lps coloring book
Savers Haul
Wanted to know if these pets were real, since they came in a bundle that had fakes!
Since Basic Fun remakes old designs, which old designs would you like to see remade?
Quick please,is it original?
Where did he come from?
What's a theme/gimmick that you want to come back again for G7?
UPDATE #2: AIO “friend” gave me 🍃 brownies without my knowledge or consent.
I forgot how unlikeable Penny Ling is
I farted and my boyfriend got mad!
Rate my collection, who are you stealing?
I had a DREAM about LPS and I was not happy