64,000 federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act grant awards from the US Department of Transportation, totaling $150 billion in funding
Public Sector - Federal Funding
Is interoperability in ITS possible?
Yellow light = Go not Stop
*Not a video* But do you agree?
An ordinary day in Naples, Italy.
A Cool Guide of transportation grant programs and how to apply!
[US] Why do third parties have to create transportation funding guides? Shouldn't the Federal Government help with how to get grant funding in transportation?
Can someone smarter than me explain why the white van swerved for no reason? The car crashed far enough to hit him
No need to call the police, dude!
Daily Vehicle Miles-Travelled per Capita by Urbanized Area 2022
American bus is 40 minutes late!
Stopping for school bus
Behind the scenes of a traffic signal test lab!
Ever been in or seen a rough car crash that changed completly how you think about driving and road safety?