What is your ranged weapon of choice?
Carly and Simon
The Inbetweeners Quote Tournament is over. "A-wobba-bob-bob" wins in "The Inbetweeners 2". Thanks to everyone who participated
What is Nanba sniffing on his finger?
Today I learned you can access camp inventory w/ this button
Did Sweaty Guilds Exist in Vanilla Like Today?
Best class for deep gnome?
How Long Have You Been Playing WoW?
So I tried out Clive in Tekken 8 and here’s my quick honest opinion.
What are these knobheads doing now?
Evil Renegade Shep 6M3.LJH.EGH.I8H.GCW.1GW.W1P.2MN.1A5.AH5.E3D.B3
ME2/////Code is in the image for those who like this build. I wanted to go for a more battle hardened look for male Shep and I think this is perfect for a Renegade playthrough.
Chad Shepard. Absolutely Ruthless.
Favourite Savage line from the lads?
I haven’t truly been shocked by anything in BG3, until…
Thank you for the biggest laugh I've had all week, FFVIII
What character do you always leave behind in camp?
Which Character Did You…
How cool would it be if they did a special with the lads grown up working etc and having a reunion (don’t forget men don’t really grow up either)
Ow!, something hard's digging into my leg
What's better, than a devil you don't know?
I felt like WoW Classic was boring to me until i switched to Horde
The Inbetweeners Quote Tournament: "When I fingered her, she shit down my arm" is the winner for "Trip to Warwick". Today we choose the best quote in "Home Alone"
How did your very first play through go?
Painting flesh question