Do they ever stop being delusional
Muslims shame and guilt trip her in the comments telling her that "it's good to fast with diabetes"
My friend has sent me this shit and now claims that ChatGPT is Zionist propaganda.
Is this just pareidolia
To glad of having islam and calling names to the non belivers as worst of animals for not having islam.
Public Humiliation in Laxmipur, Bangladesh for Ramadan Fasting Violations
I’m ready and I can’t wait 🙏🏻
Apostate Prophet converted to Christianity
I fucking hate muslim men omg
Rewards for a women who stay at home and taking care of family but no reward for them when they go to the masjid for praying during Ramadan
(INDONESIA) Muslims throwing people out of a coffee shop because of ramadan
Protester on Elizabeth tower/big Ben
عام 2015 كانت فيه تجربة انتخابية في البلديات وفاز الشيخ عبدالله السويلم بالتصويت من بين 260الف ناخب
Muslim preachers who appeared in the restaurant in Kadıköy argued with the citizens who were not fasting
The country of your birth month has to be UNproblematic for a decade. If so, you win $10M. If not you d!3. Comment your results!
Islam allowing this things to happen.
The end of times is near in Arabia
I like the position where the sun is reflecting
PlayStation not allowing me to download games I purchased.
Muslim iranian shutted down by pro-palestinian mob in Kings college when she mention about the chanage of regime and the old flag of Iran (pahlavi flag)
(Repost) Muslim iranian shutted down by pro-palestinian mob in Kings college when she mention about the chanage of regime and the old flag of Iran (pahlavi flag
Delightfully deranged Barnard faculty member can't condemn the reported assault against a public safety officer on campus, who was hospitalized - 26 February 2025
Today at brick lane
1500 Trophies! (I know my platinum game is kinda weak)