Ever noticed Engineer, Soldier, and Medic's primary weapon disappear when you taunt with them? Well, I made a taunt just for it, as well as for every other classes!
Steamの生みの親ゲイブ、最近は『S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2』に熱中していた。62歳になっても「到達率わずか1.7%のエンディング」までやり込む現役ゲーマー魂 - AUTOMATON
Made this taunt entirely in SFM
YATTArma - Don't make war. All you need is a leaf.
A harrassment incident caught in London
Haven't played the game for years and want to come back
Planning to create a SS13 animated series sometime in the future
Worth wasting 1k hours in my opinion
GOG Galaxy holding a poll on what games people want brought to their platform and Forbidden Siren 2 is an option
My Valve collection
Datatsuchi describes the Forbidden Siren trilogy in 2 words
This sub lately
My first sfm!
Rise and shine, From Software's obscure Dreamcast game.
Weird scope FOV glitch
Bar got renovations :D (Goonstation)
ゲームを改ざん「チート行為」に手を染める未成年増加◆「こんなことで事件に」憤る親も #令和の子(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
Deadlock Yamato's distant cousins
「事なきを得る」は、get a kotonakiなのか、get a koto nothingなのか
Free my people man