After many attempts, I have cleared 32 fear surface.
Monkeybread Supreme got her first collar and it even has a cute little banana charm!
One of my bananas never ripened
Of all the skins of all the champs in the game, which is yall favorite?
Who was the new champ when you started playing league?
[TOMT][GAME][2010s] Anime style dating sim game with a girl with blue hair, a lollipop, and you get her a mojito?
Monkeybread has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen
New member.
Just started my first watch of the show… HOLY SHIT THAT THRID EPISODE (spoiler free zone please)
Did a little photoshoot with my monkey girl 🥹
Monkeybread's first vet appointment (with me) and she was NOT amused
Any girls that have relationships as an agoraphobe?
Are your torties demure?
LoL players rally for Riot CEO's removal—and thousands have already signed a petition to boot him out of the company
The defendant is guilty of licking the butter and is now mad she can't have more
[Photographer] Micolash by stormscosplays
Something just changed in ARAM, right? I think my MMR just messed up
I still want to move to the US
Got stuck at a 12 hour shift with yarn but no hooks - ended up making a hook out of paperclips
Are all torties this disappointed in their owners? 😂
I saw that suicide scene in "13 reasons why" before it was deleted and I still think about it frequently.
Is this the face of a cat who would knock over a pile of clean laundry?
I told her she's adopted and she didn't take it well
This is all so strange
Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (1x up to $100) to celebrate the upcoming demo of ChromaGun 2: Dye Hard (Wishlists appreciated but do not increase chance of winning)