A Nice Picture of Girona (Spain), as a Break from Your Overly Political Feed:
Guess where I’m from based on my factual, very unbiased map
Personal map of a hypothetical Basque state (in italian)
[CONTEST ENTRY] Ƿat if Ƿilliam ðe Illegit ƿent mad and foreran (conquered) Ingland? (no lore)
Alt World: Turn 1 - January 1907
Would This be a Reasonable Flag for Earth (In the Future)
Gay of Islamic State
The Dutch Colony in North America - The Federation of Ontario in 2025
Realms of Ptolemy Caesar in 1 CE, in a World Where Mark Antony Lives and Reconquers Rome
What if Mark Antony Survived, and Reconquered Rome (Not Entirely Realistic)
The Realms of Ptolemy Julius Caesar in 0 CE - What if Mark Antony Survived, and Reconquered Rome?
rate this handrawn map i made for a school project (europe circa 1915)
Population change in Europe
Flag of a socialist Alabama
Taiwanese ethnicity when ZhengLing's soldiers and supporters fled to Taiwan in 1680 vs now
Lets be real, these are superior to sodas.
Italy if Risorgimento ended successfully earlier
Who would win in this war? (No foreign intervention just a 1V1)
Ethnic Map of Creole Australia: What if the Dutch Colonized Western Australia and Made It More Ethnically Diverse?
A Greater EU in a Multipolar World (zoom in required)
SECOND HOME! What If Mars Was Habitable And Had It's Own Civilization?(Ask Me Anything About This Timeline)
What is this small nation next to Poland and Lithuania??/?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
The Remnants of Mankind (Post Apocalyptic Future)
What if Europe Focused on Trade Instead of Colonialism? The Republic of Mayab in 2025