Just got my summer hair cut. Do your worst!
Warm underwear
Bearing in mind I have a small metal ball lodged in my brain...
I saw a man being beat up by three dudes and I jumped in to help...
My friend asked me where I got my hair cut
27M hit me hard with it
I wonder what my parents did to fight boredom before the internet?
What do you call the equivalent of ‘shower thoughts’ but when using the toilet?
What’s the difference between your job and your wife?
What do you call a sheep farmer who plays the lute?
Where do Toilets live?
What do you call someone who recruits porn stars?
Make me regret this!
What did the lawyer name her baby girl?
If two Vegans get pissed off at each other, are they having a beef?
Grill me worse than gordon ramsey
Yo mama so fat
Whatever happened to that 70's dance era music?
How much money should I invest in the stock market now to turn it into a million dollars?
I slept with a Harry Potter fan last night
What is the longest word in the world
I got beat up for asking if a girl was free tonight.
What do cannibals eat when they don't have time to cook?
8 bees can kill you but if you add 1 more bee you are safe.