Team Quad
Tea or Quad
Simone is WEIRD
Dr Greg is a hater
Porsha from RHOA and Toya on IG
This is so funny
I find this very weird!!!
King and Quad 😍
SweeTea said she was bringing the youthfulness to the show…. what is this?
I don’t feel bad for Sweet Tea and Greg.
Tired of Quad & The Rest of them
Who stays and who goes?
Greg always had Quad stressed tf out
Curtis doing “ busines” in DR
Greg always raising his voice
Quad started this whole argument
Medicine not Garbage
Rihanna DMed Quad about the M2M Drama
Everyone is Team Greg
KING not playing around
King vs. Gregory
Restraining order against King?
No Married to Medicine because of the Super Bowl.
Quad & King
Sneak peek of the next episode! They definitely cut out Greg’s blowup like Heavenly said