Trainwreckords which antagonize the audience
A guy made an album where the vocals in the songs are of a child he is raping, and in the final track he kills her.
What's your favorite and least favorite music movie?
Why do bodybuilders look like small guys in big costumes?
Beating a dead horse on r/tragedeigh starterpack
The "filthy fifteen" is a weird list, actually
Most inoffensive songs that are marked “explicit”
(COLD CASE) my mother went missing in 2015 and id like to see if the internet can solve it
What I wouldn't give to have that 90s-ass rainbow leopard print outfit again. I can find the shirt but not the shorts. Circa 1993
Fake-ass clickbait r/AmItheAsshole post starterpack
TIL most major adult film sites are all owned by the same company
Great movies that have an abysmal cult following?
Telling people you were molested/assaulted starter pack [tw]
What are some of your favorite crime longreads?
Post 9/11 terrorism movie starterpack
That one girl who still acted like a ten-year-old in her senior year of high school starterpack
Black nerd in a southern small town (being raised by his Baptist grandmother) starterpack
How should I arrange my bookshelf? I want to improve my feng shui
72 items for sale on my branch! (Lots of decor)
Songs that you remember people viciously hating and tearing into, despite the songs really not being that bad? (Some of them kind of holding up to this day.)
How do I write a gorey scene?
what are some unpopular opinions about keeping fish?
Why isn't there a good place to just... post stories?
Who do we feel about a plushie at school to a 8yo?
For novelists, writing short stories is honestly such an incredible outlet