3D-printed a perch for some Jackals (or Spartans)
Gamers can't let us have anything smh
Is he taking the win or Nah?
freaky fair was a mistake
Some communication at last
Former OW Players, Who Were Your Mains Before Rivals (& Mains in Rivals?)
Me ridding a cock🍆🍆
Why am i soloing as tank in literally 90% of my matches? 1-3-2????
If the Avengers gave up as quickly as some of you in comp, we never would have gotten Endgame
Guilt-trip Storm mains into not killing me
What sequel ruined your favorite game series?
Waking up to PSN still being down
Is there a lore reason why this director fucking sucks?
How I imagine the conversation between Snyder and Gunn will go after Superman flops.
So if i throw away the pills he just dies???!!? i figured there’s was another path
Missing Joker color
This is cringe
What’s the thing you’d change about the game? i’d change the blocked rolled sleeves.
Does anyone know significance of Red Sneakers hanging?
When you finish every possible quest in a game you loved and enjoy every moment before you shut it down forever.
Do you remember the first video game you ever played?
A TikTok I think you guys would appreciate
Top 5 worst win rates in the roster.
Well you know The Thing...