Feeling Defeated 😞 Hugs Needed
Does anyone else have a day/night version of their birbhouse & outfit lol
Feeling cute today
Appreciation post
Can never remember if I've already sent good vibes
does anyone else use the app finch??
New micropet!
Finally! A plushie I can afford to buy!
Gig economy is unsustainable for some people with ADHD
I love the smell of bowmore 12
Fine hair
goose grew up! feeling sad about it
How likely is the Orange using Tariffs and other means to create a rift between the government and the public? And to what point, will you turn on the Canadian government?
I'm looking for friends to add on this. I've just started and would like to add some people. This is the first time I've had the courage to ask, so I was just wondering if anyone wants to be my finch friend.
New birb friends
How can I improve my birbs house/outfit?
Favourite non-US products?
Friday Evening Plushie Giveaway!
I have 200,000 rainbow stones and I didn't "cheat"
Finally bought a plushie all on my own!!
struggling with incomplete goals
Finchie friends and trading daily thread
I love when you get a visitor at night and it's like they're having a little birb sleepover ❤️
New aesthetic for my room :3
Finch Friends