What is going to happen with the FAA?
Cosmetic Bonding vs Veneers vs Crowns
Trump to Fire Hundreds From FAA Despite Four Deadly Crashes on His Watch
I don’t tip unattractive waitstaff
Who is ACTUALLY the greatest Dad of all time?
What legendary YouTube channel doesn’t make vids anymore?
Management and Program Assistant for FAA
Merch Images from Instagram
What's a name so ugly you can't believe someone would want to give their kid?
What is something you wanted all your life but you know you'll never have?
What TV show would you rate 10/10 that has fewer than 50 episodes ?
What's an NSFW scandal in your family?
Prepare for Blink-182 at The Gorge Amphitheatre
Comfort Hermits
What is your "I'm getting older" sign?
Daughter had big foot experience.
What's something most people don't realize is extremely dirty/gross/unsanitary?
This one’s actually crazy. Don’t know what else that could be
What do you secretly, and quietly judge other people for?
What city disappointed you the most when visiting?
A suicide changed my life
What are cool yet not cringy Wi-Fi names?
How many people don't enjoy spending time with their family?
Homeowners: At what age did you purchase your first home?
You get 1 Million dollars if you can force yourself to have diarrhea in an hour or less, and you cant take laxatives. What are you eating?