6 years outside and it works
I am certain just about no one here has ever seen this dialogue coming from Grusha
Is ECMS really as bad as people say?
[9] You're not the shiny I'm looking for...
I pulled a Spanish Arven(Pepe) card in an otherwise English pack. Is it fake?
I hate this game
Name ideas?
Anyone know what this pink film is?
Does anybody collect a specific Pokémon too? Mine is Vaporeon 🐠
I May Not Have Caught a Shiny, but Look at All Those Lapras
Preordered item page deleted
I’m not okay…
Should i open??
Top comment gets to name him!
Recently refound my Brilliant Diamond cartridge and I saved in the middle of Victory Road. Is this a good team for the E4?
What's everyones favorite gen 9 pokemon?
What is the rarest tape or tapes you own?
Favourite pokemon from sc/vi?
Pulled this from an Iono Premium Tournament Collection
Extension fee question
Who is a Pokemon you didn't expect to be a little buddy?
My beautiful Dreepy evo collection brings me daily joy
Anyone else think the Loyal Three are super ugly?
Seeing this everytime I walk into target for weeks is beyond frustrating.