Vvvvvfl🫣 7 or 8 dpo, am I crazy or do you see it?? It’s more visible in person and pinkish😭
Update!!! It’s REAL🥹💗 vvvvvvfl 7dpo, positive on digital this morning at 8 dpo!🙌 I’m in SHOCK!!
7 dpo😅 vvvvvfl, pregnant??🥺💗
Vvvvvfl 7 or 8 dpo! Am I crazy?!?! Do you see it?
Line eyes? Period 3 days late bite I ovulated super late as well. CD 29
BFP with my girl in 2023. Praying to see this again soon 😭💗unknown dpo
CD 28. Period is two days late, is there still hope for a positive? These are all negatives.
10 dpo possible vvvvvvvfl. But I have the worst line eyes so idk😭 do yall see anything?
10 DPO, one strong positive and so many negatives. What’s going on???
Line eyes,10 dpo do yall see anything? I can never tell😅
9 dpo and nothing🥺 do I still have hope for this cycle or should I stop testing? I’ve had what I thought was symptoms but no positive tests yet. Period starts in 4 days.
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