In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
Freeway (1996)
Bringing Out the Dead (1999)
what is actually an insult but seems like a compliment??
movies like Chained (2012)
Can you recommend a lesser-known foreign horror film that deserves more attention?
What hobby or interest is full of assholes?
We often condemn certain actions and behaviour of people from 100 years ago as barbaric, cruel or unjust. What behaviours do you think will people judge us for in 100 years?
What's a very normal thing that weirdly creeps you out?
What’s something you can’t prove but are convinced is true?
What’s the wildest thing you’ve heard in public?
How many movies from this list have you seen?
Leaving the chronic shame
Watch List (2019)
This is the best search that I saw on google.
Do you know anyone who identifies as a skeet?
Who is your favourite underrated ballplayer?
"Hospitals Don't Burn Down"
What's something slowly killing us that society just pretends isn't a problem?
What is the dumbest thing people take pride in?
Why does being filthy rich almost always turn you into a terrible person?
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
The absolute best movie you ever saw.
What has been proven incorrect, but people still believe is true?
Do you talk to your brother who treated you like shit growing up?