Are Emma and Alex in college?
Look who is on live again
Where’s the money?
Amber’s mental health
Amber Cripples Her Kids
😠. Emma and Ella are mean girls. Such a disappointment
Oh but if Anna went on live and spilled the beans then what?
Over here slayin’👙
This scene lives rent-free in my head
This was horrible to watch, even for the other kids that were seniors that year
CO v Stacy Rodriguez Trial Day 2
Imagine Amber drops this on her social media tomorrow. What’s your reaction?
Jonah lies?
Amber is "expert" on EVERYTHING! Gas lights her children
Is it Brice or Bryce?
They could have planted a MUCH smaller tree
Why does Liz always sound like she’s about to cry?
Part 2
T/A karma
Liz and Brice buy a house
“People on Reddit don’t have a life.” - Emma Johnston