Lamp fish
Trees and man
Name it - OC Edition
Am i the only one who likes this one better than the clamp?
Afraid to drive my car
What’s your favorite Kanye line?
🗣 Gummies of the Year‼️🤌🏾✨️
Iphone user again
First attempt on black and white!
Reala ace x100vi with some touch ups.
Colors color colors
Shadows from different parts of the world
Accessorized my X100VI
Is this normal?
What is something life changing you can get for less than $500?
last one when i went to Samy’s, it was meant to be.
First shots with my Ricoh GR3x, already in love with this camera
Early winter snaps
Glad I bought this camera
A couple of what’s in my bag vids for anyone interested
The kit is complete.
Fall Filemm Recipes
A month in Vietnam 🇻🇳 | GRiii
What do we all think of these alien body Xray scans from the Mexico hearings?
India | Canon A1 | 50mm 1.4 | Kodak Portra 400