Need some help figuring out where the AV cables go.
Decided to make album covers for the twofers
Are the 2012 HDCD's any good?
Brackshots music
Brackshots roblox
Brackshots church
Brackshots tyler
Brackshots prediction
Brackshots 12 days
Got Pet Sounds on CD!! Decided to play it on my lil' setup (Don't mind the dust on the top of the player 😭)
Brackshots furries
Brackshots c
Brackshots jeff
I will be buying this for our new, dear mod u/SleepyWulf100 if Brackshots gets to 50 members
Brackshots kanye
Brackshots spirit box
Brackshots instructions
I’ve hidden John Lennon in each of the TS album covers. Can you find every John Lennon?
Morphine has won most underrated!!!!! Thanks for participating!
The people have decided on... none? Yes, N/A! Now... What's the most underrated MJ song?
Smooth Criminal won best song!!! Now... What's the weakest song in MJ's discography?
Is there an site that is like discogs, but for movies?
I've decided to do one last thing!!! What's the best song in MJ's discography?
And last but not least... Loving You had won most underrated! Just like that, we have completed the list!