Orlistat and anxiety
Orlistat and anxiety?
Adhd? Sorry for long post, looking for thoughts! Thank you!
Just looking for some thoughts please
Is this ADHD? Sorry for long post.
99.9% sure I have ADHD (wales, UK)
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16 days off HBC and a lot of cramping / heaviness
Pelvic heaviness / pressure?
Coming off desogestrel
How to track ovulation and not get pregnant
Experiences of NOT being on birth control please.
I want to quit the mini pill (POP)!!
Anxiety after Mounjaro
Restarting after anxiety ?
Mounjaro and anxiety/panic attacks
Mounjaro & anxiety
Anxiety on Mounjaro?
Mini pill / degesterol and bleeding
I desperately need to delete old facebook account, help pleeeeeeease
How to get an old Facebook account deleted without having access to the email or phone number
Help please - Panic attacks and anxiety a side effect?
Need to start Sertraline but scared of medication.
Previously on Sertraline, want to try Fluoxetine, but unsure and scared..?
Reassurance on starting Prozac pleeeease