NP DAE Interview and math paper
Any zenkai recommendations or replacement for raditz?
How are we feeling about daima ssj3 vegeta now?
Best Teams for Festival of Battles
A small "guide" to the new Festival of Battles event
is the funky skin rare? I may get it ngl
why are some people suddenly switching up on nameku after hating him?
I’m scared/ashamed to ask this but..
what makes the daima goku good?
Whats a good demonic power team i could make with gloryhole?
whats the best demonic power team i can make with gloryhole?
I'm a failure i healed last fight
lowkey cant wait for giant ape power to be meta this year
why is treasure battle more sweaty than actual pvp
oh fuck me what do i do here
New unique equipment for 2 LL characters coming
Are any of these units worth?
is teq seza beerus a slot 1 or 2 unit?
does teq mui keep his transformation after the domain drops?
I can Not wait wait for ssj4 gogeta to eza , and this my team for now (hopefully they will eza gogeta int soon) and they should Give Us One More Unit to Cook ssshhh🤫
how should i build great ape vegeta?
anyone know whose theme this is?
So how did your guy’s summons go
What's the opinion on the new SEZA LR int gohan?