TI4 Dice Tower, Take 2 (with customizable faction logos)
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Counting down till April 2nd- 15 days left aus time ITS SO CLOSE
What would you do as The Vuil'raith Cabal?
beating sisters of battle without charms
Did anyone listen to EXU Divergence and immediately pictures Crokas looking like dragonborn-Feraligatr, or just me?
Working on a Greyjoy list for a tournament. Thoughts?
Choose your favorite type of anime girl
Make your team, Others will rate it
I can't believe my game is about to crash
What's an anime you've watched multiple times?
Really tempted to play Sardakk N'orr in my next game: what's your Sardak N'orr story? I want to hear about some crazy plays you have seen with the mighty bugs!
Dear Believers: What is it you believe in truly?
My first non teaching game in Ages!
My TI4 Expantion Wishlist - What is Yours?
Just finished a game! Bets on who won!
Question for interaction Naaz-Rokha, Scanlink, Agent, and Pre-Fab
4p Balanced for Newbies
Twilight Imperium 4 Guide: Sardakk N'orr... Are They the Worst Faction?
Rules clarification: Titans of Ul
My take on the flagship tierlist. What do you think?
Strategies for the late game
Situation Advice
Best faction tech to copy?