Current Pvp is complete trash
Trudeau government’s carbon price has had ‘minimal’ effect on inflation and food costs, study concludes
Do you regret any relic choices so far?
If leagues has proved anything, the only run energy rework needed is to remove it.
For Those Debating over T7 Relics...
Just unlocked T5 relic in starter regions, have 2 pending regions to unlock, still can't decide which one
I’ve never seen a strike with so little support from the average working person
Hows your leagues going? Im over 20x rate on chefs hat
Yo Jagex, can we get more bears?
Cox mage boost to enchant jewelry
4th region relic?
I need to speak to someone at Jagex 😂
Current best method to get blighted supplies?
What was your first pet, what were you doing, and what was your total skill lvl at the time?
Am I missing out doing ONLY wildy slayer?
Topic of the Day: Current Grinds
Artio shouldn’t move while calling traps or magic shot
WIBTAH if I dumped someone for voting for Trump 2024
Tangleroot Farming Pet at 14,800Xp. What are the odds Haha
Premade seasonings without oil
wuh happenin D:
You can stop Scott Moe's vanity pigs while they're just a pile of 600 dollar hats. But time is almost up.
Gauntlet help
Getting teak logs for planks used in construction:
Giants foundry - self smithing question