Uncomfortable being someone’s “work wife”
What's the origin of a stupid sounding law?
You can choose one crime to be legal for 24 hours; what are you choosing?
Update! Thrifted ring resized and verified as natural pearls!
What would be your b list superpower, and how would you use it?
You are abducted by aliens! What bargain basement superpower do they give you and how do you use it to fight crime?
What's your craziest, wasn't a dream, stories?
What is your secret to happiness?
Would you rather see a nurse practitioner or a general physician and why?
Feel like I got bait and switched at a shoe store
How do I wear this? It's too thick for my ear holes :/
Feeling like I got bait and switched at the show store
Can we stop commenting "this" under comments
SLPT: Scatter your loved ones ashes in an expensive to access location such as Disneyland to get free permanent access!
Struggling with menorrhagia
What is NOT more fun to do when naked?
Found in old farm house
Pearl ring with 14K etched inside. Was $4
When did you really regret throwing out the directions?
I farted in my doctors face during a pelvic exam today. Please share your embarrassing stories of the gyno to make me feel better, lol
Redditors who spend ten minutes reading the bottles of hygiene products, what are you looking for (and should we)?
Non-Americans, what do you think of the Trump Gaza video?
Woman zip tied and dragged out of a town hall meeting in Idaho.
Those who have been on reality TV shows, how real was it?