Eating habits going into our 30s/later?
What is something more traumatizing than people realize?
4.5 Year Potty Training Struggles
I feel like my entire life is just obligations, tasks and chores.
What's an adult problem no one warned you about?
What are some middle school/high school scenarios from our life that you can't really describe to today's kids?
Does anyone else get into a complete fight, flight, freeze, fawn response the SECOND you perceive that someone is annoyed or upset?
Millennials in corporate, how are you feeling these days? What are your future plans?
What’s a small thing that really gets on your nerves?
People of reddit who have survived living with a narcissist, how was it?
Anyone else here struggled with people pleasing?
Things that turn sagittarius ppl OFF
Friend's kids come over to play, break things and hit, no consequences or apologies
Disconnecting from people
Anyone else have a narc that is obsessed with taking pictures/videos of everything?
If you have witnessed a narcissistic collapse
What are some signs that tell you “this person is not my friend or well wisher”?
Screen time for an 8-year-old. How much is normal?
Are any of you throwing or attending parties or get-togethers regularly? Why or why not?
Did you ever realize that, the people who you were so concerned about disliking you, you didn't like in the first place?
What are some good early warning signs/red flags for people who will likely become enmeshed with you and trigger your codependency?
Millenial loneliness
YOPD - Anybody have any personal theories as to why?
The stare or smirk
What do you and your partner fight about the most?