What is this?
Acceptance rate going down even while not rejecting any offers
Get a different job
Fuck walmart and spark
What is this weapon wrap?
This guy was pl 140 and placed these traps keep in mind they are pl 77 traps
Crazy how even at higher levels people dont help. Every single piece built here was place by me. They could not even upgrade some.
Any hope in completing shotgun expertise 3?
Sea of thieves insider
Dungeons Console Fog
Daily Quests
Missing daily quest
Finally finished 20,000 festival points
Now what?
Finally got all trap durability survivors.
600 Vbucks
Rocket Racing
Thinking of jumping ship from the Libre 3 and switching to Dexcom. How bad is the G7?
Why cant I join the disney D23 event
This daily quest needs to be removed
Is overpatch really needed?
What is this wrap?