Daily avatar hunt (day 10!!!🎉) only og users will remember (difficulty medium) who has three heads a fedora on one in the middle and uses a suit with a man face on each of the heads (read description)
I'm not sure if I should start making videos other than rocket League video because I'm running out of ideas so thumbs up is I should make new content thumbs down in not I would like some answers because I haven't uploaded for a few weeks
Fun fact: anyone who's friends/becomes friend with Gutie is canon
I am making a wall of quotes from people here. Who is next? (first place inspired me to make this, may you rest in peace, mortem funguses)
Well...here we are the new era...
Post your animal avatar here and I'll guess what animal they are.
Ok let’s start a new trend I will draw your avatar in a loaf noob style
Day 1 Who’s most popular
Give me your avatar and i'll MODEL something for them.
We have lost to many people.
Daily avatar hunt (day 9) (difficulty medium) who looks just like hazmat fella but is yellow and has tubes of chemicals on their avatar
Daily avatar hunt (day 8) (difficulty mediocre) who is currently being put in a game is a great swordsman and a great pirate they also happen to have yellow hair!
Drawing you avatars and thank you to the sub reddit, read desc if u want I guess
Want to change my avatar because I made it when I was 10 and reminds me of those rip_luffy kinda kids. Anyone got ideas? (The second picture is an avatar I came up with, is it good or not? Feel free to brutally criticize me lol)
Alright people yesterday was our first avatar hunt with zero correct guesses! So I will be revealing the person In the comments and after this I'll be posting the 8th avatar hunt
Matt needs a new name for his fighting game hes working on! drop some name suggestions in the comments and the most upvoted comment will be the name of the game!
Avatar hunt (day 7) (difficulty hard) who made a character with the abilities to spawn back in darkness when killed and is darkness itself and made a fun game in the reddit everyone could compete in the people could choose light or darkness to face but darkness was chosen
DAILY AVATAR HUNT!! (Day 6) (Difficulty easy) Alright who is a wasp/bee that has an arsenal of guns and has a great/MASSIVE storyline (hint not hittim recast)
work has started for the fighting game!
The first one who got most up vote will be my wallpaper (don’t be something stupid)
What is your avatar’s most prized possession?
Who is your physically strongest avatar no powers either!
Daily avatar hunt (day 5) (difficulty hard!!) he is a wizard that went to an academy and in quite advanced in fire magic!
give me your avatar and I will see how well they'd survive in a category 5 hurricane :3
I'm bored asf, so most upvoted avatar (need usernames) will get framed in the gameshow game. (also need achievement or reason for being on the wall.) Also gameshow TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROW.